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    Essential OTP SMS Features

    Access Our Platform

    Through our platform, you'll be able to use SMS, Voice and Push for more purposes. Joining Weberleads gives you access to all our mobile solutions.

    Regional Language

    We support all languages : Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati and many more.

    Delivery Guaranteed

    By choosing our multi-channel solution Hybrid, One Time Passwords are delivered with fallback via one of our other channels.

    Free API Intergration

    Integrate SMS API in your software, pay only for credits.

    Delivery Guaranteed

    By choosing our multi-channel solution Hybrid, One Time Passwords are delivered with fallback via one of our other channels.

    Access Our Platform

    Through our platform, you'll be able to use SMS, Voice and Push for more purposes. Joining Weberleads gives you access to all our mobile solutions.

    Free API Intergration

    Integrate SMS API in your software, pay only for credits.

    Regional Language

    We support all languages : Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati and many more.

    Request A Call Back!

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    One Time Passwords Via Voice

    An alternate to SMS is Voice. With voice, the spoken password is received as a phone call on the user's mobile. The passwords will not be stored on the user's phone and Voice allows you to reach users with limited sight. You can also implement Voice as a back-up in case your SMS is not delivered.

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    One Time Passwords Via Push

    If you have an app, you can send One Time Passwords via the cost effective channel Push. Your user will be shown the Password in thier app, after which it will no longer be seen on their phone. A targeted solution for single login sessions, used for both consumers and employees.

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    One Time Passwords Via Hybrid

    By making smart combinations between our different OTP solutions, you will make sure all passwords are delivered successfully. In case an SMS cannot be delivered, you can choose Voice as a backup.